Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Holiday Picks: The Count's Hanukkah Countdown

With snow in the forecast, temperatures dropping, and people digging out their mittens and hats, it's officially December!  Enjoy a holiday pick each day before Christmas.

Written by Tilda Balsley and Ellen Fischer.  Illustrated by Tom Leigh.  Minneapolis: Kar-Ben Publishing, 2012.

Tonight marks the fourth night of Hanukkah, so here is another book to share with your children.  Who doesn't love Sesame Street and the Muppets?  In this book, the Count is the main character.  He loves to count numbers, and is very excited about the eight nights of Hanukkah, because eight is the perfect number.  The Count and Grover are invited to celebrate Hanukkah with Brosh and Avigail, and Brosh's aunt, uncle, and cousins.  He learns about the menorah and candles, the story of Hanukkah, eats latkes and jelly doughnuts, plays the dreidel game, and counts chocolate gelt.  Latkes, jelly doughnuts, chocolate...is it just me, or is anyone else hungry?

This book features characters from Shalom Sesame, which gives children and families an introduction to Jewish life and Israel.  Our library owns the DVD series, so be sure to check those out!  Children are encouraged to count along with the Count as the numbers are boldly displayed on the pages.  The illustrations are brights and colorful, accurately representing the Muppets.  What is your favorite Muppet character?

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